Monday, June 3, 2013

Summer Practice

     In 2nd grade, we used a website/app called Scootpad.  This website allows children to practice the Common Core reading and math standards and collect points for correct answers.  The questions are written in a way that mirrors the type of questions they will be asked on the state assessments.  We used the free version and had great results.  I thought the children might enjoy using this website over the summer! 
      Most user names are firstnamelastname (no space or punctuation).  For example, John Smith would be johnsmith.  There are a few children who have a 1 after their name.  The password for everyone is 1234.  If you need help logging in, please email me!
Below is a flyer from Scootpad.  They do offer a variety of summer versions.  (Again we used the free version at school and it worked great!)  Hope you are enjoying your summer!  Don't forget to read! :)