Sunday, February 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

This week we are celebrating "Right to Read Week" and Dr. Seuss' birthday!  It is sure to be an exciting week!   Don't forget to wear your spirit wear!  Miss W. and I have been working hard to get our "special" Dr. Seuss outfits ready! 
(Yes, there is a mistake....Tell Mrs. Niezgoda the mistake and you earn a surprise!
Below is the link for our weekly homework.  If you don't have a printer at home, feel free to write the answers or spelling words on a sheet of paper.
We worked on using adjectives to describe nouns last week.  Here are a few pictures of the children making their "adjective flower."

I'll put up our pictures of the children who met our  STAR reading goal later this week! 
Have a wonderful week! 

Monday, February 18, 2013

What a busy week!  We finished our last set of parent teacher conferences and celebrated Valentine's Day last week.  Thank you to all the parents who took the time to come visit us at conferences. 

The children loved exchanging Valentine's with each other.  We were having so much fun that I forgot to take pictures of our celebration!

Below is the link to this week's homework.  Also, I put our new spelling words on 
Have a great week!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


We have so many children reaching our Dibels reading goal for January!  Dibels is an assessment where the children read for one minute.  We assess their fluency and accuracy (how many correct words they read).  Below are some of the pictures for January.  I will post more pictures later this week (We keep running out of time to take the pictures!).
















This week we started learning about the reading skill of inferring!  We had a lot of fun using clues to try to describe a person!  After each group studied their clues, they presented what they found to the class!  We will continue to work on this skill throughout February.  Here are a couple of pictures from our inferring lesson. 

Happy Valentine's Week! I hope to see many of you at conferences on Tuesday! 
Mrs. Niezgoda

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Pete Loves Norwood!

The afternoon class loves Pete the Cat!  This winter they also made a Pete book.  The afternoon reading class' book was modeled after Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes

Product Details
To make our book, we brainstormed places Pete might like in Norwood.  Then we wrote the beginning of the story and the song together.  Next, our children were paired up based on their top choices for their favorite place in Norwood.  From there the children went to work and started writing their pages.  After a first draft, the children wrote and illustrated their page on the Ipads.  This was their first experience using the Scribble Press app to write and illustrate.  I think all the children enjoyed using a new way to publish their work and are looking forward to using the app again!
Check out our book by clicking the link below!

Weekly Update!

Boy, it sure is cold out there!   I am hoping for warmer weather soon!  This week is going to be a busy week at Sharpsburg!  We will be finishing our persuasive letters so everyone can see them at conferences.  We'll also be reading a fictional story about Groundhog Day.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone at conferences.  Don't forget to let us know if you need to reschedule or can't make it! 

I wanted to remind everyone that our district purchased a license to for the children.  This website is a great way to practice reading at home or at the public library.  Just go to the website and log-in. 
The log-in for the AM reading class is jniezgoda.
The log-in for the PM reading class is lweinheimer.
I updated the reading levels tonight and they should be just right for your child.  I recommend having your child read a book at least 3 times before taking a quiz. 

Last, but not least, I will try to start putting each week's newsletter and homework online.  If your child needs another copy of the homework, just click the link and print it off.  OR if you want to save paper, just email the homework to me at  Remember, homework is due on Fridays!

I apologize for the image of the newsletter this week.  Apparently, my scanner at home is not the best!  I will have a better image next week.  I am also missing the "Spelling Words with Fancy Letters."
Below are links to this week's reading and spelling homework:
For some reason when you click the links, they are not showing up on google docs.  Just click the download button and they will show up (It is the down arrow).  I will try to have a better way for next week!

Newsletter 2/1/13

Pyramid Spelling Words

ABC Order

Lego Reading Comprehension and Fluency Passage

Have a great week! 
Mrs. Niezgoda